Sunday Church Service 9th July

Oneway Church Hall 29 Unnaro St, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Sermon Title this week: "I'm Getting There: Heaven" In this powerful sermon titled "I'm Getting There: Heaven," we explore the profound concept of Heaven and its significance in our lives as believers. Join us as Pastor John delves into the hope, joy, and assurance that comes from knowing that Heaven awaits us as our eternal […]

Sunday Church Service 16th July

Oneway Church Hall 29 Unnaro St, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Sermon Title this week: "Love One and Another: 70 x 7" Join us this Sunday as we delve into a topic that holds immense significance in our lives as believers: forgiveness. It is a topic that resonates with each one of us, as we have all experienced the need for forgiveness in our lives, whether […]

Sunday Church Service 23rd July – Love One and Another

Oneway Church Hall 29 Unnaro St, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Join us this Sunday as we continue the series on “Love One and Another” This Sunday we turn our attention to a powerful passage from the Gospel of John, specifically John 8:7. In just a few words, Jesus gives us a lesson that challenges our own attitudes and actions. This verse invites us to reflect […]

Sunday Church Service 30th July

Oneway Church Hall 29 Unnaro St, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Join us this Sunday as we continue the series on “Love One and Another.” This Sunday we look into the book of Romans, specifically Romans 12:9-10. Paul addresses what genuine Christian love is and the importance of our relationships within the body of believers. These verses invite us to examine our hearts and evaluate the […]

OneWay Sunday Church Service 6th August

Oneway Church Hall 29 Unnaro St, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Join us this Sunday as we begin a new series on “Transforming Faith.” Transforming faith is not about instant fixes, instead, it calls us to embrace the process of growth in our lives. We begin the series with “I’m Not Perfect (Yet),” and dive into Philippians 3:12-16, where the Apostle Paul talks about not being […]

OneWay Sunday Church Service 17th September

Oneway Church Hall 29 Unnaro St, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

This Sunday we move into the third week of the series titled “In the Face of Temptation,” in which we examine the three temptations Jesus encountered in the wilderness and uncover the valuable lessons found in His responses. In this weeks sermon, "There's only one God" we look at the third and final temptation that […]

Sunday Church Service 19th November

Hillman Hall

JESUS SAID… is a series comprising reflections on the statements made by Jesus to people and explores their relevance to our lives today. This Sunday we look at a statement recorded in Luke 12:40 where Jesus said, “You also must be ready all the time.” As we explore this passage further, we will uncover the […]

Sunday Church Service 21st April

Oneway Church Hall 29 Unnaro St, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Since coming off the easter weekend we have begun a new series entitled “The Resurrected Life.” As believers we should not only celebrate the resurrection weekend but we should also be endeavouring to live a resurrected life every day thereafter. But are we ready for it? Are we prepared to lay aside our pride and self-interest, to […]

Sunday Church Service 21st April

Oneway Church Hall 29 Unnaro St, Perth, Western Australia, Australia

Since coming off the easter weekend we have begun a new series entitled “The Resurrected Life.” As believers we should not only celebrate the resurrection weekend but we should also be endeavouring to live a resurrected life every day thereafter. But are we ready for it? Are we prepared to lay aside our pride and […]

Sunday Church Service 5th May

Hillman Hall

As we delve into Sunday’s message called “Destined for Good,” we will seek to understand how even in the midst of pain, suffering, and adversity, God is at work in our lives for a greater purpose. So let us journey together into the heart of Romans 8:28, allowing its truth to penetrate our souls and […]

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